Aviation Security Management Course

 Course Goal:

This course aims to train aviation security personnel at the managerial or senior supervisor level, who are responsible for security operation as preventive measures of airport operation. Aviation Security Manaual and materials presented during the course.

 Learning Objectives

◼  Identify the concept of aviation security in different activities

◼  Understand aviation security in preventive measures

◼  Understand security crisis management and control

◼  Risk Management and threat assessment

Course Structure:

◼  Module 0 : Introduction: Objectives and Identification

◼  Module 1: Aviation Security in Civil Aviation: Past, present and future

◼  Module 2: Changes in aviation security management at the national and international level.

◼  Module 3: Crisis and risk management and assessment in civil aviation

Course Benefits

Participants will be obtained the origin and purpose of aviation security related to policy measures, legal aspects, human and materials inputs required for aviation security management. From case studies, partipants will be able to learn how to deal with crisis and risks.

Course Schedule / Format

◼  1st Session: 2nd to 6th December 2024 (Reserved) / 5days, Virtual Classroom (GMT +9)

◼  2nd Session: 17th to 21th March 2025 / 5days, Virtual Classroom (GMT +9) 

※ Note: The course schedules are subject to change depending on unavoidable internal and external conditions.

Course Fee: 1,200$ (USD)

The course fee payment method will be notified by KAU when the registration of this course is made through KAU's LMS.

 Registration of this course

Please click the registration link below for the registration of this course: Click here!